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  • 学术报告
On-Line Monitoring for Reliability and Safety Improvement
主讲:Prof.KAZUYUKI SUZUKI, Dept. of Informatics, University of Electro-Communications, Japan
举办时间:2014.5.30;10:00am    地点:N210


Operational conditions and functional performance of construction machines of Komatsu Ltd. are monitored through internet and GPS through the world. Now there is possibility that electric vehicles are also monitored for their vehicle states such as battery charging, charge consumption, and residual battery charge. These monitored information has a possibility of improving their reliability and safety. My talk deals with the concepts and essence of on-line monitoring for reliability and safety improvement from the following seven viewpoints; 1) objectives, 2) input items, 3) mechanisms needed to achieve desired functions, 4) internal and external stresses (usage and environmental conditions), 5) failure mechanism, 6) failure mode and top event mode, and 7) effect/damage.

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