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Proportional coalitional values for monotonic games on convex geometries with a coalition structure
主讲:孟凡永 副教授,青岛理工大学
举办时间:2014.7.7;10:30am    地点:N514

A new model called games on convex geometries with a coalition structure is proposed where the player set and the coalition structure both form a convex geometry. A value called the proportional coalitional solidarity value is defined. From the expression of this value, we know that any union's proportional coalitional solidarity value coincides with the solidarity value of the union in the quotient game and the players in a union share this amount proportionally to their solidarity values in the original game on convex geometries (i.e., without unions). An axiomatization of this value is proved. Furthermore, the proportional coalitional Shapley value for games on convex geometries with a coalition structure is studied, which is an extension that given by Alonso-Meijide and Carreras. An axiomatic system of this value is provided, by which the uniqueness of the proportional coalitional Shapley value is shown.


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