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The theory and applications of T-Splines
主讲:Prof. Thomas W. Sederberg
举办时间:2014.7.22;9:30am    地点:N226

摘要:T-Splines were invented in 2003 to address the major limitations of the NURBS free-form surface representation which is the industry standard in computer aided. T-Splines provide a watertight model of arbitrary topology that allows for local refinement. T-Splines also simplify the model creation procedure for designers. In addition, T-Splines are emerging as the representation of choice for IsoGeometric Analysis.


Tom Sederberg is a professor of computer science at Brigham Young University. He does research on curves and surfaces for geometric modelling and computer graphics. He is the recipient of the Computer Graphics Achievement award from ACM SIGGRAPH, the Pierre Bezier Prize from the Solid Modeling Association and SIAM, and the John Gregory Memorial Award. He invented T-Splines in 2002, which has been the focus of most of his research since then.
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