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Consensus in Complex Networks: Theory and Applications
主讲:Xinghuo Yu, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
举办时间:2016.5.31;9:00am    地点:N514

摘要Many real world problems are of network nature, such as Smart Grids and biological systems. Complex Networks provide an enabling methodology for dealing with such systems from unconventional network characteristics such as transitivity, degree distribution and correlation, network structure and resilience, and network navigation. Complex networks have been studied extensively in which consensus is a central issue. In this talk, we will first give a brief overview of research on consensus in Complex Networks. We will then look at how to tailor the consensus methods to solve some real world problems. Some of our applications in the smart energy systems will be discussed.       

个人简介:Professor Xinghuo Yu is the Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research Capability) and Distinguished Professor of RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology), Melbourne, Australia. His research interests include variable structure and nonlinear control, complex and intelligent systems and industrial applications including smart grids. He received a number of awards and honours for his contributions, including 2013 Dr.-Ing Eugene Mittelmann Achievement Award of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and 2012 IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Best Paper Award. He was named a Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson Reuters in 2015. 

 Professor Yu is currently President-Elect of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES). He is a Fellow of IEEE and IET. 

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