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Eigenvalues, invariant factors and random integer matrices, and some (possible) applications to sparse matrices
主讲:Mark Giesbrecht(Director and Professor, Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo)
举办时间:2016;07;01;3:00pm    地点:N420

摘要:Integer matrices are typically characterized by the lattice of linear combinations of their rows or columns. This is captured nicely by the Smith canonical form, a diagonal matrix of “invariant factors”, to which any integer matrix can be transformed through left and right multiplication by unimodular matrices.But integer matrices can also be viewed as complex matrices, with eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and every such matrix is similar to a unique one in Jordan canonical form.It would seem a priori that the invariant factors and the eigenvalues would have little to do with each other.  Yet we will show that for “almost all” matrices the invariant factors and the eigenvalues are equal under a p-adic valuation, in a very precise sense.All the methods are elementary and no particular background beyond linear algebra will be assumed.  A much-hoped-for link and some open problems on algorithms for sparse integer matrices will be explored.This is joint work with graduate student Mustafa Elsheikh

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